84pc students want politcs ban on campus


DU Correspondent :

A recent study reveals that 83.8 percent of Dhaka University (DU) students support the complete ban of political party-affiliated student politics on campus. In contrast, only 16 percent believe such politics should exist but in a reformed manner.

The survey, conducted by the Dhaka University Research Society (DURS), gathered responses from 2,237 students across 78 departments and 10 institutes. The results were disclosed during a press conference at the Dhaka University Journalists’ Association.


The findings indicate that 96 percent of students perceive party-affiliated student politics as having a detrimental effect on the academic environment of the university. While a significant majority of 83.8 percent called for the absolute banning of such politics, a small fraction of 0.2 percent felt that it should remain unchanged.

Interestingly, 81.9 percent of the respondents advocated for holding regular elections for the Dhaka University Central Students’ Union (DUCSU) as an alternative to banning party politics entirely. Additionally, 87 percent of students expressed doubts about the ability of student party politics to foster genuine national leadership.

The survey also uncovered that 74 percent of students had negative experiences due to political activities on campus, while only 26 percent claimed they had not faced any adverse situations. Furthermore, an overwhelming 90 percent of students reported that they had no intention of joining any political organisation in the future.
