4 held on charges of gang rape of N’ganj girl


Staff Reporter :
The elite force Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has arrested four persons on the charge of gang-rape a teenage girl by holding her mother hostage at gunpoint in Narayanganj.

On Sunday, they were arrested from different areas of Araihajar upazila. The arrested persons are members of robbery gang.

These things were said in a press conference held at RAB’s media center in the capital’s Karwan Bazar on Monday.


Commander Arafat Islam, Director of Law and Media wings of RAB, said that the main planner of the gang-rape was Md. Abdullah (24). Along with his arrest, three accomplices involved in the gang-rape have also been arrested. They are Md. Matin (35), Chan Mia (28) and Md. Aynal (25).
A country-made one-shooter gun along with the victim’s mobile phone and some other country-made weapons were recovered from them.

RAB said that on May 15 late night, members of the dacoit group broke the window of the house and entered inside. They took the girl and her mother hostage at gunpoint and tied their hands, feet and face. The girl was taken to an empty room next to the house and gang-raped.
The gang members threatened to kill the girl and her family members if they told anyone about this incident. The members of the dacoit gang fled leaving the girl in critical condition, RAB officials added.
