…… 2021 Hope Best Year Ever

Dr. Md. Enamul Hoque :
The New Year 2021 is like a blank notebook. It is a time when we can set our goals for the New Year. We may get to write anything we want in it. We can fill the first page of our notebook with our New Year’s resolutions. It shows you have the belief and hope in your ability to change habits and become a better you.
Learning to live the life to the fullest is an important step. But, living the life to the fullest doesn’t always mean setting big goals like travelling the whole world, learning few languages in shortest time, or establishing a big business. It also includes learning to enjoy little things; that is, learning to appreciate life’s simple pleasures. To enjoy life, setting goals is very important.
We need to set the new resolution to learn something new every day in order to have a better understanding of the world and how it works. Live the length and width of your life is a big effort in discovering a path that will lead you to your greatest sense of happiness and accomplishment. Explore what makes your life feel meaningful and go after that.
The first resolution we need to set is “to be kind”. Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind. Let us be more kind to others
because it makes us feel good. Kindness improves our quality in the community. It allows us to connect with other people; and build meaningful relationships. Let us start our days with day with some donation.
Praying regularly, learning to recite Holly Quran and studying Hadith, reading religious books, and giving up smoking can be stronger resolutions for the New Year which can contribute to build healthy body and sound mind. Also the books- A Brief History of Times: Black Bang to Black Holes (by Stephen Hawking), Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (by Yuval Noah Harari), Think and Grow Rich (by Napoleon Hill), The Theory of Everything (by Stephen Hawking), The God of Small Things (by Arundhati Roy), Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (by Malcolm Gladwell) may be the worth reading in the year 2021.
The next resolution would be the ‘not becoming angry’ at any point. Anger is nothing but a self-harm. It is said, “For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness”. Anger leads to substance abuse or deliberate self-harm. It weakens our immune system; puts our heart at great risk; ups our stroke risk; can hurt our lungs; and anger can shorten our life. One can even hurt him or herself and even commit suicide at a stage of anger. We must remember- If you become angry, you will certainly lose.
Staying physically fit can be another vibrant resolution of the New Year. Let us do exercise and workout at least half-an hour a day, and avoid junk foods and drinks. To stay Fit, we need to stop oversleeping practice as it has been linked to a host of medical problems, including diabetes, heart disease, and increased risk of death. Depression and low socioeconomic status are strongly associated with oversleeping.
Protecting family from COVID-19 may be another 2021 resolution. Be determined to maintain safety rules for you and your family members. Studies have already proved that COVID-19 is highly contagious which attacks lungs and create breathing problems leading to death.
 Deep breathing exercise is a powerful resolution to ease stress and make you feel less anxious. It will improve immune system; enhance lung capacity; improve our heart condition. Breathing exercises can make a big difference by improving our lung health and keep these vital organs going strong for life, if you make them part of your regular routine.
As a New Year’s resolution, we may form a habit of eating less. Over eating creates high risk for life; there are many reasons why most of us should set a resolution of eating fewer calories. The most understandable reason is to lose weight to prevent diseases relating taking over intake. After all, gaining excess weight puts us at a greater risk of a whole range of serious health problems, including heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers.
Being grateful helps us overcome adversity, improve the quality of sleep, and allow us to get along better with others. For 2021, we may resolve to be more grateful to others. Studies explored that thankfulness can make you 25% happier. Think about that you can be 25% happier simply by taking the time to count your blessings and think of all the good things in your life!
Research shows that most people fail to keep their resolutions beyond the first few weeks. There is a problem that the success rate for New Year’s resolutions is pretty bleak. Less than 10% of resolutions have been kept by year’s end and 25% fail before 30 January. However, the journey matters more than the destination, whether or not we make certain progress on specific articulations of them.
It is sure that if you didn’t achieve your goals in 2020, procrastination was the likely culprit. Make 2021 the year you will stop procrastinating and start getting things done. If something doesn’t feel right, we should not do it. We must not compromise on your internal code of ethics, as this will leave you feeling empty and full of regret. The resolutions should be achievable as per the human capacity. In 2020 Year in Review, we are taking a look back at all the happenings in our country that somehow managed to keep us sane while the world went crazy.
We are about to end 2020 very difficult and challenging year. The year 2020 will be remembered as the year of the pandemic, the year in which our education sector was hit hard. However, we want to hold on to everything we have learned from this year. Year 2020 will be the year in which we have discovered that the most important thing is to share life with our friends and family, that fear is banished by joy, and that good health is crucial to be taken seriously. It’s time to look forward to welcoming the year that is about to start. We wish you a Happy New Year 2021.

(Dr. Md. Enamul Hoque is educational researcher and teacher educator
Email: [email protected])