19 civilians killed in Myanmar junta air strikes


News Desk :

At least 19 civilians were killed in Myanmar junta airstrikes on an internally displaced persons (IDP) camp and a town near the China border in Shan State.
The attacks, which took place late Thursday night and early Friday, targeted the town of Namhkam and the Bangkok IDP camp.
The junta is battling widespread opposition to its 2021 coup and its soldiers are accused of bloody rampages and using air and artillery strikes to punish civilian communities.
“They bombed at two areas in Namhkam” town on Friday around 1:00am, local time, Lway Yay Oo, a spokesperson for the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) said.
The strikes killed 11 and wounded 11, she said, adding that the office of a local political party had been damaged. The dead were five men, four women and two children, she said.
Namhkam is around five kilometres from the border with China’s Yunnan province, with TNLA fighters claiming control of the town following weeks of fighting last year.
