1,500 tourists stuck in Sajek amid ongoing blockade


Staff Reporter :

Around 1,500 tourists are currently stranded in the Sajek tourist zone of Baghaichhari upazila due to a 72-hour blockade in the hill tracts. Many have been trapped for the past three days, facing dire conditions.

While a few stranded tourists were airlifted by helicopter on Monday for emergency medical reasons, the majority remain stuck. Alamin, a tourist, expressed the group’s distress: “We’ve been facing a water crisis for three days and have had no electricity for the past two days.

The generator is out of fuel. There’s no food in the hotel, and we’re surviving on mountain water. We’re in a desperate situation and just want to get home safely.”


Some wealthier tourists have arranged private helicopters to leave the area, highlighting the disparity in experiences among those stranded.

The ongoing crisis was exacerbated by damage to the power station in Dighinala, which was affected during clashes on September 18, leading to widespread power outages in Baghaichhari upazila. Shirin Akhter, Upazila Nirbahi Officer, stated, “Traders did not stock large quantities of food, expecting a regular tourist turnout and uninterrupted communication. They do have some vegetables in stock, which should suffice for now. Moreover, the army is assisting by providing fuel.”

Akhter cautioned that travel will remain unsafe until the blockade is lifted. Suparno Dev Barman, President of the Sajek Cottage Owners’ Association, assured that efforts are being made to resolve the food and water crisis, stating, “The army is helping us. We hope everything will return to normal soon.”
